AFZ production is located on the outskirts of Armavir (formerly Oktemberyan), at a distance of 45 km. from the city of Yerevan. The territory of the factory is 3.7 hectares. Our factory is currently engaged in the production of ferromolybdenum, molybdenum oxide, non-ferrous metal salts and rhenium compounds.
We have developed and implemented a unique technology for the production of vanadium pentoxide.
The factory is equipped with a hydrometallurgy site, that allows to carry out hydro chemical processing of various types of raw materials, including off grade quality. At present, with the available capacities, the factory is able to produce up to 150 tons of ferromolybdenum and 20 tons of vanadium pentoxide per month. If necessary, production areas of the enterprise allow to increase output two or more times.
The production building consists of three spans – two longitudinal ones of 24 m and one transverse width of 24 m, the overall dimensions of the building are 48*72 m. A three-story ABK adjoins the production building from one end. The floor level in the transverse span is 6 m below the floor level in the longitudinal spans. Some of the areas of longitudinal spans have two floors. In the transverse span, crane runways are installed and a bridge crane with a lifting capacity of 10 tons runs. The material of columns, trusses and ceilings is reinforced concrete, crane girders are metal. On the same side, the premises of a precipitation chamber and a scrubber are attached to the building. On the side of the transverse passage, two brick chimneys with a height of 68 m were built. The building of the compressor station was built near two bricks.
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